Complaints Procedure
Whilst Inner-vision Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Scans aim to provide the highest quality, compassionate, person-centred service possible, we want to know if we are not reaching these high standards so we can:
Have the opportunity to apologise and where appropriate provide the complainant (patient, relative or staff member etc) with swift and satisfactory resolution to any outstanding unresolved issues.
Investigate these complaints and make the appropriate changes to prevent us making the same mistakes again and continue to raise our high standards.
Identify any further training requirements
Informal process
1) Initially, any complaints where possible should be resolved at the time of the complaint by the member of staff fielding the complaint.
2) If this does not resolve the issue, the complainant will be invited to bring forward any matters of concern directly to the attention of the Director.
3) If the opportunity for an informal discussion is considered appropriate by the complainant, we will endeavour to arrange a meeting within 10 days.
4) In the unlikely event that this cannot be arranged (for instance, due to illness or annual leave), the complainant will be notified of the delay and reasons. If deemed appropriate and agreed by the complainant, an alternative meeting will be arranged.
5) The meeting will aim to:
Acknowledge the receipt of the complaint, thank the complainant for highlighting
the issue and apologise with empathy.
Clarify the details of the complaint and give the complainant the opportunity to
Move to resolve the complaint which is amicable and satisfactory to all parties
Establish and illuminate upon what has been learned from the process and any
changes to be made
Reiterate the value of the ongoing relationship between both parties.
6) If the complainant remains dissatisfied after the meeting, it may be pertinent to initiate formal complaint proceedings.
Formal Process
1) Formal complaints should be received in writing. The complainant will be advised to provide:
Contact details (which will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998) and
a brief background leading up to the complaint
Who was involved, date and time
Precisely what your complaint is
What action you would like us to take to resolve it
2) The complaint should be sent to either:
C/O Director of Inner-vision Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Scans, Hollinshead Podiatry,
330a Nantwich Road,
Crewe,Cheshire, CW2 6PB
Or by email
3) A thorough confidential investigation will be carried out.
4) A written reply will be provided from the Director with the outcomes from the investigation,
again reiterating an apology and where appropriate acknowledging any mistakes and
intentions to resolve any outstanding issues within 20 days from receipt of the complaint.
5) On the unlikely event that this is not possible, the complainant will be contacted to confirm
acknowledgement of receipt of the complaint and informed on the likely time of response.
6) All efforts will be made to resolve the complaint but if unfortunately, the complainant
remains unsatisfied, we can either:
Identify an independent sonographer to provide a review of the complaint (with the
complainant’s approval) to provide an independent review
Direct the complainant to the regulating body such as the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) for Radiographers or General Medical Council (GMC) for Doctors.
All complaints made will be recorded in the complaints folder, including outcomes and actions taken in response to complaints. Where no action is taken, the reasons for this should be recorded.
Care Quality Commission
The patient can be directed to if-you-are-member-public
CQC request
When requested to do so, providers must provide CQC with a summary of complaints, responses and other related correspondence or information.
1. The registered person must provide to the Commission, when requested to do so and by no later than 28 days beginning on the day after receipt of the request, a summary of—
a. complaints made under such complaints system,
A complainant can raise a complaint directly to the
(CQC) in England, they
inspect both NHS organisations and independent providers and will take note of complaints which
may be used as part of their inspection process.
responses made by the registered person to such complaints and any further correspondence with the complainants in relation to such complaints, and
any other relevant information in relation to such complaints as the Commission may request.